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LLP Closure

Get professional advice from our experts to close your inactive/inoperative Limited Liability Partnership (LLP).
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What is Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Closure?

When the things do not work out properly a business may have to be shut down. When existence of the LLP as a legal entity comes to an end it is known as the Closure of the LLP. A business may be required to be closed due to various reasons, like non-operation, closure of business, recurring losses, the passing of the key managerial person, the dispute among promoters, un-ability to pay debts of the LLP, etc.
What are the reasons to close the LLP?
A business may be required to be closed due to various reasons, like non-operation, closure of business, recurring losses, the passing of the key managerial person, If the LLP is Registered for any specified project and it has been completed, the dispute among promoters, un-ability to pay debts of the LLP, etc.
When we can apply for LLP closure?
In case the LLP wants to close down its business or where it is not carrying on any business operations for the period of one year or more, it can make an application to the Registrar of Companies for declaring the company as defunct and removing the name of the LLP from its register of LLP’s. As per Rule 37 of LLP Rules if a LLP wants to strike off it should not carrying on any business operations for the period of one year or more.

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LLP Closure

Exclusive Government Fees
Starting at ₹ 9999GST will be charged at 18%
  • LLP Closure (LLP Form No. 24)

Which form is required to be filed with ROC for making application under fast track exit mode?

An application is required to be made in e-Form 24 to the Registrar of Companies for Striking off the name of the LLP under Rule 37(1)(b) and 37(1A) of LLP Rules.

Document Information

Documents Required For Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Closure:-

1.) Id Proof and Address Proof;
2.) Statement of account disclosing nil assets and nil liabilities;
3.) Copy of latest Income Tax Return
4.) Copy of the initial limited liability partnership agreement;
5.) Copy of Affidavit and Indemnity Bond signed by the designated partners;
6.) Consent by each partner to make application;
7.) Authority Letter signed by each designated partner.
8.) Bank Account closure certificate


Process Involved

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STEP – 1
Close the Bank Account of the LLP
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STEP – 2
Sell all the assets, if any and pay off all the liabilities of the LLP, if any
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STEP – 3
Take the written consent of all partners for strike off the LLP
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STEP – 4
Drafting of all the requisite documents for closure of LLP
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STEP – 5
Filing of form 24 with the Registrar.
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Need Help?

A defunct LLP can make an application to the Registrar with the consent of all partners of the LLP for striking off its name from the register. A defunct LLP refers to an LLP that has never started business or is not carrying any business for the immediate past one year and has no assets and liabilities.

Following LLP are eligible to Close their LLP

  1. LLP is inoperative from the date of incorporation or inactive for a period of at least one year
  1. LLP does not have any assets / liabilities as on the date of application.
  1. Closure of current account of the LLP has been done
  1. LLP Obtain the consent of the parties i.e. any other authority, creditors and partners.
Following Documents required for closing the LLP

  • Id Proof and Address Proof;

  • Statement of account disclosing nil assets and nil liabilities;

  • Copy of latest Income Tax Return

  • Copy of the initial limited liability partnership agreement;

  • Copy of Affidavit and Indemnity Bond signed by the designated partners;

  • Consent by each partner to make application;

  • Authority Letter signed by each designated partner.

  • Bank Account closure certificate

No, The LLP can be closed if the LLP is inoperative from the date of incorporation or inactive for a period of at least one year immediately preceding the filing of the application.

Business Registration

    What kind of business do you want to register ?*

    Why do you want to register?*

    Where would you like you Register your Company ?*

    How much do you want to invest in your company?*

    How many Business partners do you have ?*

    Do you need assistance in opening a Current Account?*

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      Do you need assitance in opening a Current Account?

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        Where would you like you Register your Company ?

        Do you need assitance in opening a Current Account?

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          What is the current name of your company?

          What is the proposed name of the company?

          Do you need assitance in opening a Current Account?

          Organisation Name*

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            What is the current name of your company?

            What is the proposed name of the company?

            Do you need assitance in opening a Current Account?

            Organisation Name*

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              Which of the following best describes you?

              What would you consider yourself to be one of the following?

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              What kind of entity do you have?

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                Which of the following best describes you?

                What would you consider yourself to be one of the following?

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                What kind of entity do you have?

                Organisation Name




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                    Why do you need ISO certificate ?

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                    What is the nature of your business ?

                    Which ISO Certificate are you looking for ?*


