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Company Closure

When the Company is incorporated, a Certificate of Incorporation is issued by the Registrar of Companies which acknowledges the existence of the Company.
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What is Company Closure ?

If we go by the literal meaning of the strike-off then Strike Off means removing the name of the Company from the Register of Companies maintained by the Registrar of Companies. It is more like a Closure of the Company and the Company will not be in existence after being Struck Off and cannot perform any operation thereafter.

It usually takes at least 3 months for a company to be officially dissolved, but the length of time can vary considerably if the process is complex. However, a company will cease to exist in not less than 3 months from the winding-up notice being advertised in the Gazette. However, some companies may apply under fast track exit mode for Striking Off its name.


Our Packages

Company Closure

Exclusive Government Fees
15,000GST will be charged at 18%
  • Strike off Companies

Conditons When Company Can’t Go for Striking off

1.) The company is incorporated after 2nd November 2018, but it has not filed 20A.
2.) One year is not completed since incorporation.
3.) For ongoing company i.e having business transactions in last 1-2 years.
4.) DIN is deactivated.
5.) Any director is disqualified.
5.) The company has already received notice from ROC of strike off.
6.) Any ongoing litigation are pending.


Process Involved

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STEP – 1
Strike off Companies
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STEP – 2
Verification of documents by our experts
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STEP – 3
Application of Strike Off
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STEP – 4
Processing of Appliication
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STEP – 5
Your Company is under Strike Off Procedure
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Strike Off means removing the name of the Company from the Register of Companies maintained by the Registrar of Companies.

It is more like a Closure of the Company and the Company will not be in existence after being Struck Off and cannot perform any operation thereafter.

Shutting down a company is a long and complicated procedure. A Private Limited Company can be closed down in various manners depending on the requirements of the owner.

The owner can sell the company.

Can close down the company by declaring the company ‘Non -operational” (Striking of the company).

Winding up or dissolving the company.

Yes Strike can be done even without an annual filing subject to active DIN and NO business since Incorporation.

Note: 20A filing compulsory if co. is incorporated after 2nd Nov 2018

For company having ongoing business there should be no business transactions since 2 F.Y. and nil filings should be done for those 2 yrs, even if Nil filing for past 2 f.y. is not done the company can strike off. Bank closure certificate must if having account in bank.

When a company is struck off, the name would be removed from the company register and it can not trade, sell its assets or make payments or even it can not get involved in any other business activities.

The company can be struck off under the following circumstances:

When a company has failed to commence its business within one year of its incorporation.
When a company is not actively carrying on any business or operation for a period of two immediately preceding financial years and has not made any application within such a period for obtaining the status of a dormant Company. provides company strike off services online across India. You can get your Private Limited Company registered in Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata, Kanpur, Nagpur, Jaipur, or any city in India by us.

Our expert will help you in choosing the best suitable plan for you. Get in touch with our team to get all your queries resolved. Write to us at [email protected] or call us @+91 9643 203 209.

Business Registration

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    Where would you like you Register your Company ?*

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    Organisation Name




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      Do you need assitance in opening a Current Account?

      Organisation Name*

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        Where would you like you Register your Company ?

        Do you need assitance in opening a Current Account?

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          What is the current name of your company?

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                Which of the following best describes you?

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                What kind of entity do you have?

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                    Why do you need ISO certificate ?

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                    What is the nature of your business ?

                    Which ISO Certificate are you looking for ?*


