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GST Annual Return

Get professional advice from our experts how to manage GST Annual Return

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What is GST Annual Return (GSTR 9)?

Form GSTR-9 is an annual return to be filed once for each financial year by the taxpayers registered under GST, who were regular taxpayers, including SEZ units and SEZ developers.

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When you required to file GST Annual Return (GSTR 9)?

An annual return required to be filed when a taxpayer having turnover more than 2 Crore in a financial year.

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When you required to file GST Audit (GSTR 9C)?

An GST audit required to be filed when a taxpayer having turnover more than 5 Crore in a financial year.


Our Packages

GST Annual Return (GSTR 9)

Exclusive Government Fees
Starting From: 10000GST will be charged at 18%
  • GST Annual Return (GSTR 9)

GST Audit (GSTR 9C)

Exclusive Government Fees
Starting From: 25000GST will be charged at 18%
  • GST Audit (GSTR 9C)

GST Audit and Annual Return (GSTR 9 and 9C)

Exclusive Government Fees
Starting From: 30000GST will be charged at 18%
  • GST Annual Return and Audit (GSTR 9 and 9C)

Document Information

Documents for GST Audit/Annual Return

1.) Bank statement
2.) All Sale and Purchase Invoices
3.) All Expense Invoices
4.) Signed Financial
5.) Reconciliation Between Books of account and GST returns.


Process Involved

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STEP – 1
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STEP – 2
Checking of GST reconciliations
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STEP – 3
Preparation and Filing of GST audit and annual return
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STEP – 4

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Yes, to check that the taxpayer has assessed it correctly, an audit under GST is required. As of now GST audit if applicable to the dealer having turnover more than 5 Crore.

There may be general penalty for non filing of GST audit. As per the GST Act, due date of audit and annual return is specified as 31 st  December of subsequent fiscal year and in case of failure in complying with the same then as per act no specific penalty is prescribed. So, it will be covered under the head of general penalty of Rs. 25000.

Yes, certified by a Chartered Accountant or a Cost Management Accountant has been removed.

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