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Change In Objects

With just one phone call, our professionals will discuss all of your needs. We’ll make recommendations for changes, answer questions about whether or not it is the right time for you to expand on your own, and we can even take care of the paperwork too!

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Why we need to change the main business activities?

When a partner wants to expand its business, then they may change its main business activities and if the partners want to do any other business activities which is not mentioned in the LLP Agreement earlier then they may change their main business activities of the LLP with the mutual consent of the partners in the LLP Agreement.
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What kind of business activities a LLP can do?

LLP is incorporated for doing any legal business activities. However, incorporation document prohibits, LLP from doing NBFC business activities. Also, LLP name guidelines, mandate that if the name of the LLP indicative of activity, LLP activities must relate to the activity indicated in the name.

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How to Change objects in LLP?

The LLP agreement contains a clause regarding LLP activity and procedures to be followed for changing the object. Based on the partners understanding, the supplementary agreement is prepared and requisite e-Form filed with respective Registrar of Companies to changes the object of LLP.

Our Packages

Change in Objects of LLP

Inclusive Government Fees
Starting at ₹ 4999GST will be charged at 18%
  • Change in Objects of LLP
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Documents Required For Change in Objects of LLP

Main object that is to be amended
Supplementary agreement
Resolution of the meeting of the designated Partners
Minutes of the meeting of the designated partners
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Process Involved

STEP – 1
Meeting of the partners

Conduct the meeting of the designated partners of the LLP for getting the approval of new name and check the availability of the name from MCA portal.

STEP – 2


Prepare all the necessary documents that is supplementary documents, minutes of the meeting and resolution of the meeting

STEP – 3

Stamp Paper

Supplementary agreement should be properly notraised and stamped

STEP – 4

Preparation for Form-3

Prepare form-3 with all necessary documentation.

STEP – 5


File form-3 within 30 days from the date of signed supplementary agreement to registrar of companies with prescribed fees.

STEP – 6


Get approval from the government.

Get in touch

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With just one phone call, our professionals will discuss all of your needs.

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You can change LLP object through filling form LLP-3 along with the required documents.

Supplementary deed/Agreement shall be executed in any change in the objects of the LLP.

Business activities consisting of banking, insurance, venture capital, mutual fund, stock exchange and asset management are allowed provided that in-principle approval from regulatory authorities is obtained. Please note that as per RBI guidelines, LLPs are not permitted to undertake NBFI activities.


Other Business Services

Proprietorship Registration

Partnership Registration

Section 8 Company Registration

Business Registration

    What kind of business do you want to register ?*

    Why do you want to register?*

    Where would you like you Register your Company ?*

    How much do you want to invest in your company?*

    How many Business partners do you have ?*

    Do you need assistance in opening a Current Account?*

    Organisation Name




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      What is the nature of your business?

      Where would you like you Register your Company ?

      Do you need assitance in opening a Current Account?

      Organisation Name*

      Our Packages*




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        What is the nature of your business?

        Where would you like you Register your Company ?

        Do you need assitance in opening a Current Account?

        Organisation Name*

        Our Packages*




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          What is the current name of your company?

          What is the proposed name of the company?

          Do you need assitance in opening a Current Account?

          Organisation Name*

          Our Packages




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            What is the current name of your company?

            What is the proposed name of the company?

            Do you need assitance in opening a Current Account?

            Organisation Name*

            Our Packages




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              Which of the following best describes you?

              What would you consider yourself to be one of the following?

              Our Packages

              What kind of entity do you have?

              Organisation Name




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                Which of the following best describes you?

                What would you consider yourself to be one of the following?

                Our Packages

                What kind of entity do you have?

                Organisation Name




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                  Why do you need ISO certificate ?

                  Select your preference

                  What is the nature of your business ?

                  Which ISO Certificate are you looking for ?*




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                    Why do you need ISO certificate ?

                    Select your preference

                    What is the nature of your business ?

                    Which ISO Certificate are you looking for ?*


