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Import Export
Code Updation

Get your IEC Updated without further delays in a simple and fastest way

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When Import Export Code (IEC) change or Modification required?

When any particulars of registered dealer change then Import Export Code (IEC) change or Updation required.

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Advantage of Import Export Code (IEC) change or Modification

1) As per DGFT Notification No. 58/2015-2020 dated 12th February,2021; An IEC holder has to ensure that details in its IEC is updated electronically every year, during April-June period. In cases where there are no changes in IEC details same also needs to be confirmed online.
2) No hurdle at port due to data mismatched.
3) Touching international boundaries for trade. With IE Code one can expand business and reach customers internationally.
4) IE Code is issued for a lifetime, one-time activity with lifetime benefits.
5) Avail discounts and subsidies granted by DGFT.
6) IE Code doesn’t require any filling.
7) Any proprietor business identity can obtain IE Code.

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Allotment of IEC

After the application and the attached supporting documents are verified, the Directorate General of Foreign Trade will issue a IEC for the business.

Our Packages


Inclusive Government Fees
Starting at ₹ 2499GST will be charged at 18%
  • Application Filing


Inclusive Government Fees
Starting at ₹ 4198GST will be charged at 18%
  • Application Filing and DSC

Documents Required For Import Export Code Updation

Process Involved

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STEP – 1


Client Provides Documents required for Registration

STEP – 2

Application for IEC

Application id filed with Department, We may ask you OTP sent by department on email and sms every time we login

STEP – 3

Client Confirmation

Application is sent to client for Signatures, Once Received same is uploaded again to the DGFT Portal

STEP – 4

Submission of Application

Application is submitted to the Department With or Withour Digital Signatures

STEP – 5

Import Export Code

IEC is issued by department and sent to client directly by the department.


No. IEC forms a primary document for recognition by Govt. of India as an Exporter/ Importer

Application form ANF-2A to be filled in and all pages of the application to be signed. Proof of change of name/address/branches/constitution of Ltd. Companies etc.(Form 32/Form 18/company master details issued by ROC along with copy of challan) For proprietorship/partnership Firms any address proof issued by government dept. Copy of ownership title deed or copy of lease deed registered. Fresh Bank certificate certifying the detail of the bank A/c, registered address, and photographs of the applicant in case of change of applicant

He may surrender the original IEC by fulfilling all pending Liabilities (Export obligation fulfillment of all incentive Authorizations) and filing a declaration to IEC issuing DGFT office that there is no obligation/Liability pending against him for any office of DGFT. On receipt of such intimation; this office shall cancel the IEC if satisfied that there is no Liability pending against the IEC holder and electronically transmit it to DGFT for onward transmission to Customs and Regional Licensing Authorities. Normal Time required for processing cancellation of IEC is 15 working days.

No. However the name of each concern owned by such a company may be included in the IEC of the firm in whose name PAN exists, as a branch.

Request letter on Letter Head for Status Modification. Application as per Appendix 2 and 3 in duplicate. Documentary evidence preferably Electric bill, telephone bill, lease agreement copy, Sales Tax/Excise Certificate/SSI for change or inclusion of addresses. For change of directors please submit copy of Form-32. In case of change of name or change of constitution, ROC/Partnership deed copy as applicable should be submitted. Also refer to para 9.1(b) of H.B.2002-2007 regarding change in name and constitution is reproduced below

E Code Registration can be obtained in 7-8 working days after submission of all required documents and application.

EC Stands for IMPORTER EXPORTER CODE which contains 10 digit number issued by Director General of Foreign Trade(DGFT), Department of Commerce, Government of India

Any person who proposes to import or export goods and services from or to India must obtain IE Code.

All importers must mention their IE Code while clearing customs when their goods arrive in India. All exporters must mention their IE Code while exporting their goods and services from India. Additionally, now RBI requests person importing or exporting services to also mention IE Code in foreign remittances in bank account. Therefore, IE Code is required for anyone involved in import or export in India.

An IEC shall be de-activated, if it is not updated within the prescribed time. IEC so de-activated may be activated, on its successful updation. This would however be without prejudice to any other action taken for violation of any other provisions of the FTP.

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